Now that our DSLRs are capable of cinema quality video, many photographers and videographers are planning to use this incredible technology as a valuable storytelling tool. If you’re among the thousands that wish to make a documentary but have no idea where to start, you will want to watch “How to make a Documentary- Your road to filmmaking success” by Guy T. Noffsinger.

In this DVD, Noffsinger provides a very specific blueprint to making any kind of video; Documentary, Feature Film, Music Video or even Home Movie. The DVD provides a very logical step-by-step set of instructions that start at the very beginning of production and end with music and credits. Most DVDs like are expected to be boring, but with the humorous Monty Python style animation and pleasant narration of Dallas Rogers, the instruction moves long quickly and keeps you interested. Noffsinger literally covers everything in plain english, leaving you with a feeling that with enough hard work and proper organization, anyone can make a documentary.


Most photographers know just enough about shooting video to create something, but there are so many aspects of actual film making that a DVD like this can make the difference between shooting something that only your Mom will watch and something that millions can watch. Noffsinger covers all the “other” stuff, like copyright, stock footage, budgeting and even working with a crew. If you’re planning to start a video or film project, start here. Each chapter covers a specific topic, and the DVD is designed to allow you to easily go re-watch a specific chapter. There is a lot of information here, you’ll want to take notes the whole time, but it’s not overwhelming, rather it’s encouraging to know that for 29.99 you can have this resource to refer to again and again as you work on your first video production. Throughout the DVD, the instruction operates on the K.I.S.S. approach ( Keep It Simple Stupid) and never talks at level that is too technical to be easily understood even though the DVD covers some very technical aspects of shooting, like White Balance and Camera Gain.
I highly recommend this DVD if you are planning to film ( or video) ANYTHING. The tips in here will make you look much more professional than you could ever imagine.

The DVD covers the following subjects:

Reality Checks – Defining the Project -Budgeting – Resources

Financing- Preparing for Production – Renting vs Buying – Crew

Locations- Talent- Interviewing- Lighting- Labs- Editing

Stock Footage- Music and Sound- Graphics and Copyrights.

Buy it HERE